
Please read this disclaimer carefully before using our platform.

General Information

Simba Online Book provides a platform for online gaming entertainment. We do not promote or endorse any form of illegal betting. Users are responsible for complying with the laws of their respective jurisdictions.

Age Restriction

Our services are strictly available to users aged 18 and above. Underage participation is strictly prohibited.


Users must ensure that they comply with the legal regulations of their country or state. Simba Online Book is not responsible for any legal consequences resulting from unauthorized usage.

Financial Risk

Betting involves financial risk. Please play responsibly and within your limits. We do not guarantee profits or winnings.

Restricted Locations

Our services are not available in restricted regions such as Telangana, Orissa, Assam, Sikkim, and Nagaland.

Responsible Gaming

We encourage responsible gaming and provide support for those who need assistance.

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